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Captain Haylee


Master Captain and PADI Dive Master

Haylee came to Huka Dive in Jan 2020 and in just a few months she went from never dove before to a dive master.

She has in this short time also earned her Master Captains license.

Haylee has plans of traveling the Caribbean.

Haylee’s Quote:
“Tell me I can’t do it.”


a person standing next to a road

Captain and PADI Dive Instructor

Nick came to Keys Huka Dive from the cold cold land of Providence, Rhode Island (the land of northern aggression). Nick served in the U.S. Army’s 173rd Airborne division as a grunt. Capt. Jerry always has a place for veterans on his boats, so Nick started his journey to become a dive master.

Nick showed up as a lowly open water diver, wanting to be more like the older and wiser good Capt. Jerry. He worked his way through all of the dive courses, finally earning his Divemaster. With much encouragement from Capt. Jerry, Nick also earned his Captain’s license.

He was a big part of the dive team; always ready to go diving and find Megalodon teeth. Nick has a super power… he can actually smell the Megs. It was not unusual to see Nick telling Capt. Jerry where to drop the divers for prime tooth hunting.

With the help of his certifications, Nick went on to move to the glamorous Florida Keys. When not working, Nick can be found diving in the nearby waters, looking for Megs.

Nick’s Quote:
“What’s that smell? Oh its Meg teeth.”

Captain Sheldon

a man smiling next to a body of water

Master Captain and PADI Dive Master

Sheldon was a welder at a nuclear power plant, were he made a 6 figure income ($$$). Then, one day, he came to Venice on vacation and tried out huka diving with the crew. That moment changed his life.

After being back at the plant for a few months, he realized that money wasn’t everything in life. He called Capt. Jerry and the next thing you know Sheldon finished his contact, moved to Venice, and started working with Capt. Jerry to become a Divemaster and a boat captain.

Sheldon went on to use his Captain’s License to experience amazing adventures in Alaska and Hawaii. Along the way, he met his beautiful wife, Stephanie.

Sheldon’s Quote:
“Is hero a strong word?”


a person posing for the camera

PADI Dive Master

Cody came to Keys Huka Dive in June of 2022, from the great state of Texas. He had just graduated high school and was on a mission to find a career that involved his love for the outdoors and boating. It just so happened, at that exact time, KHD was looking for someone who loved boating and being outdoors.

Cody worked like a rented seahorse; knocking out his dive certs one after the other, like Mike Tyson’s punch out. Cody was always the first one ready for a dive.

Cody completed the zero to hero program (our loving term for someone with no diving experience that goes from nothing, to a PADI Divemaster). Capt. Jerry was proud to say Cody was a full member of the team. Does Capt. Cody have a nice ring to it? Will Capt. Jerry do it again?

Cody was recommended, by Capt. Jerry, to apply to an open position on a snorkel and Snuba boat in the Florida Keys. The keys struck again!

Cody’s quote:
“Yes Sir, I can do that!”


a group of people standing on top of a sandy beach

PADI Dive Instructor

Taylor came to Keys Huka Dive from Wisconsin. She moved to the town of Northport were the boredom drove her to look for a career were her love for the environment and wildlife could come into play. That’s when she found that Capt. Jerry was looking for a divemaster trainee. She met with the good Captain and decided to take the jump to become a Divemaster.

Taylor worked her butt off for several months; training while holding down two part time jobs. Taylor earned her PADI Divemaster and then her Instructor certification. Don’t be surprised to see Taylor out-diving most of the guys, making them eat bubbles. She could always be found competing with the other crew members to see who could find the biggest Megalodon tooth.

The siren call of the Florida Keys struck again, Taylor followed. Capt. Jerry’s connections in the keys gave another opportunity for a crew member to grow.

Taylor’s Quote:
“5 min. beach clean up anyone?”


a man standing in front of a car

PADI Dive Instructor

JD came to Keys Huka Dive from Colorado; though originally from Ohio. He had already succeeded in a myriad of careers, including ownership in a Colorado brewery, before moving to Florida and bumping into Captain Jerry at a tiki bar.

Is JD lovable….? Yes.
Is he a great diver…? Yes.
Is he left-handed…? Sadly, yes.

This man consistently found Megalodon teeth. He might’ve even grabbed them with his left hand. He’s strong enough to move a piano, or steal your heart.

When JD wasn’t leading divers, he could be found with a beer in his hand (most of the time someone else’s beer), enjoying the local tiki/sand bars.

JD’s Quote:
“It’s for sale, 2 for 1, today only! (Megalodon teeth of course, get your mind out of the gutter!)”